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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ah, the Post High School Background Check

There is something comforting about your high school years and being able to do a quick background check on your prom date (who you have most likely known since elementary school anyways...). Now, that I'm in my 30s, meeting someone online makes the background check a little more difficult. I know that both my male and female friends all google and/or Facebook their dates as soon as they have a name and email address. Profile pictures say a lot about someone, no?

Well, this new app takes the background check to a new level. It's called Date Check... and you can literally check someone instantly. Kinda creepy, huh? With only a name, digits, or an email address Date Check scours public records from Facebook to homeowner filings to sex-offender databases to confirm your dream date isn't wanted in three states. Yes, he may say he is a hedge funder when really is an out of work actor, but you win some and lose some right?

Now... the kicker. This app is free, but the checks are pricey! For $40, Date Check performs one of several types of searches, like 'Sleaze Detector,' which searches for a criminal background, 'Net Worth' provides details about a person's assets including property, and 'Interests' scours social networking sites for personal details.

Sometimes, maybe it's not so bad to just go on a "blind date" and see if the chemistry is there! Feel free to comment away. Do you Google, Facebook or even Date Check??

1 comment:

  1. I used to work for a police dept. I always ran guys I wanted to date. I never had any bad guys. I once met a guy at a blues club. I was talking to him and asked him what he's been doing with his life. He told me he just got out of prison for doing time for a robbery. I got out of there fast.
