Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"I Just Don't Feel Connected to You" says, Limp Dick
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Drive That Was Longer Than The Date
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Girlfriends Should Be Hotter (Than You!)
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Online Dating Inbox!

I hope you are fine and doing well, I look at your profile and really sound interested you look so pure I mean your look show that you have pure soul with lots of attractive in your appearance. If you are interested to know each other I would be so lucky really. I am new here in the area and would like to start new valuable serious strong friendship and let's see what can be there further..... whatever it was the kind of relation we may start it I hope it never be out the respectable and valuable relation which may create a very strong great relation or if no way at least let a wonderful memory stay till forever each one feel he/she add something useful to the other one. All I hope whatever it was even if it did not go further than this email I hope I let at least a nice trace."
huh? First impression? Ummm..., but an A for effort?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Guy Who Forgot His Wallet
Also, while I know you didn’t mean to forget your wallet, the date was really expensive and I blew my weekend budget on our dinner. As a small business owner I'm on a really tight budget. Of course, I wasn't expecting you to pay for our date (hence me asking if we could split it), but I also wasn't expecting to pay for the whole thing either.
Good luck with your search. I’m sure you’ll find someone who is a perfect match for you."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Blackberry Messenger is NOT an OK form of communication
Emily: Hey - so here's the thing and I'm just gonna throw it out there... I know ur busy, but I like it when guys call and chat and ask me out on dates. So, if you wanna hang out again lemme know. Bbm is good for "hi" but a call is better :)
Tall Guy: :( I'm sorry!
Emily: You don't have to be sorry. I get it... technology makes dating too confusing. I just havn't heard from u besides bbm in a while so wasn't sure what u were thinking
Tall Guy: I understand what u mean.
Emily: I'm just not big on having to make the effort all the time. I'm looking to get wooed - at some point :)
Tall Guy: I've been in a work bubble this week and last and have been anti social. Your the second girl to make me realize that.
Emily: I just always figured if someone liked me they'd want to see me, but again, I'm not really sure if that's the case
Tall Guy: Well I would definitely love to see u again! and catch up on the phone too.
Emily: Good! :)
Emily: U have my info - call me when u have a time u want to ask me out. Cool?
Tall Guy: I will. I have NOTHING work related over the weekend.
Emily: I'm actually crazy busy this weekend. But, I'm around next week. Cool?
Tall Guy: Ok. We'll definitely do dinner next week.
Emily: Sounds good. Talk soon :)
Tall Guy: Thanks:). Talk to u later.
Emily: Nite :). Sorry to get all girly on u
Tall Guy: I like your style;)
Emily: :). Nite!
Tall Guy: Gnite
Yay! He's gonna call and we're going to go out again!
Another 2 weeks fly by with radio silence and I figure I have nothing to lose and shoot him a text saying, "Hey, bummer I never heard from you. Hope all is well!" Hey, it was worth a shot, right?
He responded a few hours later... "I thought you blew me off." I officially give up. SERIOUSLY? I was actually really bummed by this too - he was cute, fun and really nice in person.
The lesson learned from this experience? Make them call you and only text and bmm when you have something short and sweet to day. Every date just gets you closer to the "one" right?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
FB Stalker and Tweet, Tweet! - The Game!
- You wink at someone - 1 point (cannot count for more than 25% of your total score)
- Someone winks back at you - 1 point (cannot count for more than 25% of your total score)
- Someone of the same sex winks at you - 2 points
- Someone you would actually want to go out with winks at you - 2 points
- Someone winks at your from a different country - 3 points (you cannot have winked at them first to receive full points. PS. This has totally happened to me. A 65-year-old man from Japan winked at me. I did not wink back. But, EXTRA POINTS!)
- Someone who is old enough to be your parent winks or emails you - 1/2 point (ewww!)
- Someone emails you - 1 point
- Someone emails you with no grammar or spelling errors! (Those of you who are online dating know this is very rare!) - 2 points
- Someone emails you who you actually want to go out with - 3 points
- You exchange "real" email addresses! - 3 points
- You go on a date - 5 points
- You go on a 2nd date with someone you met on Match - 5 points
- You date someone off for longer than 6 weeks and then break-up. No points, but the other player pays for your new subscription so they have someone to "play" with!